Inadequate warm up, decreased joint range, muscle tightness, fatigue, muscle weakness, previous injury, muscle imbalance, technique and spinal problems can all predispose the muscle to injury.

Muscle Tears/Strains

Inadequate warm up, decreased joint range, muscle tightness, fatigue, muscle weakness, previous injury, muscle imbalance, technique and spinal problems can all predispose the muscle to injury.

Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD)

Osgood-Schlatter Disease (OSD)

Adolescent anterior knee pain can often be attributed to Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD). OSD typically causes pain and swelling below the kneecap. The pain usually gets worse with running and jumping activities. OSD can happen in one or both knees.


Sever's disease

Sever's disease occurs when the Achilles tendon pulls too much on the growth plate of the calcaneus (heel bone). This is because the bones in the lower leg lengthen faster than the muscle and tendon resulting in the tendon pulling harder on the growth plate.

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Sports and Spines Physiotherapy Brookvale

  0403 946 670‬


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9 - 13 Winbourne Rd
Brookvale NSW 2100

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